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AWS deployment of WebPageTest|Daniel Cross

Wednesday 28th August, 2013 @ 7pm (pre-meeting downstairs at 6pm)

Address Muttis upstairs (118 Elgin st, Carlton VIC)

AWS deployment of WebPageTest

Daniel covered the process of getting the WebPageTest tool deployed onto an Amazon Web Service with a mixture of Python scripts and Json configuration templates.

Voice recognition

Duncan went over some open source voice recognition software he has been looking at.

Network & RSI tools

Sven went over two great tools he uses:

NTM (network traffic monitor) - Good for 3G data plans so you don't go over your limit.
workrave - Prevent the chance of RSI

xdotool & others

Michael gave a quick intro to some of the tools he uses for testing hard to test software or for workarounds when nothing else will do the trick.

xdotool keyboard/mouse actions
xsel manipulate the X selection
zenity collect info from user
gdevilspie window matching & size setting
wmctrl control windows shape/size
gnee GUI Record sessions
xtail a clean tail
workshops/aws_deployment_of_webpagetest.txt · Last modified: 2017/10/12 21:58 by