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Wednesday 29th May, 2013 @ 7pm (pre-meeting downstairs at 6pm)
Address Muttis upstairs (118 Elgin st, Carlton VIC)

Introduction to Ansible by Michael Pope

ansible slides

My Ansible full setup:

Demo code from the presentation

To view the demo download the tar, untar the file, install git and step through the examples like so;

Install ansible (as per the slides) & edit your /etc/ansible/hosts file adding in your test server to the list.

Check out each step (1 to 9)

  git checkout step1

Look at the code using your favorite editor

  emacs webserver.yml

Run the code

  ansible-playbook webserver.yml

Find out what ansible variables I can use

  ansible -m setup <target machine IP>

Here is an Ansible module I created to run commands in a chroot.

workshops/ansible.txt · Last modified: 2017/10/12 21:58 by