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Next Meeting


PlaceThe Dan O’Connell Hotel
Address 225 Canning St, Carlton. Victoria. 3053
Pre-meeting 6pm front bar
Time for Meeting 7:30pm in the function room out back ground level
Parking Kay St has 4hr and finishes 6:30pm
Phone (03) 9347 1502


Monday 30th Jan, 2017

Topic Speaker
Weather logger Rick Miles
Arduino Makefile (lightening) Michael Pope

Feel free to volunteer for a talk on our mailing list.

Future meetings

Dates for 2017

27-Feb-2017pdf→text→html→mp3→html with sound by bob.

27-Mar-2017 24-Apr-2017 29-May-2017 26-Jun-2017 31-Jul-2017 28-Aug-2017 25-Sep-2017 30-Oct-2017 27-Nov-2017

29-Jan-2018 26-Feb-2018

Please show your interest on our mailing list or email me directly

Volunteer for a talk

Feel like doing a talk, please volunteer on our mailing list or email me directly at

Talk Preparation

Normal talks go for 45minutes, lightning talks go for 15minutes. If there a lot of questions please save them for after the talks. There is room for two full talks and one lightning. Please let me know which length your talk is when volunteering.

The talks are performed in the function room which is out the back of The Dan on the ground level.

The projector supports VGA & HDMI up to 1920×1080.

Live Demos

MLUG is known for doing live demos and it's something which makes our group unique. We would like to continue this tradition so if you do a live demo as part of your talk please make sure it fits within the time limit. If it does take a long time you can setup the demo and perform the demo after all the talks have been done.


A big thank you to our sponsors; IT support & Domain Name Services

Join the MLUG mailing (Google Group)

The MLUG mailing list is great place to keep up to date on Linux news and events and discuss Linux/open source related questions.

Melbourne Linux User Group
Join the MLUG Google Group

IRC Channel

'mlug-au' at freenode.

Do you want to help make the MLUG website better?

  • Evaluate alternatives to dokuwiki, set them up and show them at MLUG meetings either before or after.
  • Mock up a better design or suggest a better menu structure.
  • Updates to our other groups listing, I would love this to be complete.
  • Create tutorials / content for our website, such as cheat sheets or handy hints.

Refer to our discussion at the start of the year at: rolling distros & MLUG 2012 improvements

Mailing list tips

Main MLUG Contact

It's best to head over to the mailing list for any questions, discussion or announcements. If you are having problems related to MLUG and you are not on mailing list you can contact:

Contact Michael Pope
Twitter @map7

New to Linux

Notebooks with Linux pre-installed or no OS

Check compatibility before buying a notebook:

Hardware guide

Support GNU/Linux/BSD Vendors

MLUG is not connected to these companies in any way. These are just companies we have found that are selling notebooks/computers with the option of Linux pre-installed or no OS installed.

Australia - Lots of options and lots of distros on offer (Melbourne based) – Horize notebooks, better specs than some of the stores - Offer Ubuntu or No OS, competitive prices (Horize only) - Good range, plenty of options. - Sydney based but can deliver.

Overseas - They now deliver to Australia

MLUG workshop extras

The new extras that we talk/work on at meetings are:

  • Working on improving the MLUG group such as website, mailing list, services, venue selection, getting the word out about mlug.
  • Cool Things this month (everyone who comes gets a chance to tell us what's cool this month in the world of Linux and Open Source)
  • Too Hard Basket. Everyone has a task which is too hard to complete, this is a chance to get fresh input on your “too hard basket” item.


Linux useful commands:
You can contact us via our Mlug mailing list


start.1485262317.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/10/12 21:58 (external edit)